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Diversity & People Development

Vantiva’s Most Important Asset: Our People

Vantiva’s success relies on the energy, motivation, and talent of our people. We firmly believe that every employee is essential to the achievement of our strategies and objectives in terms of sustainability and social responsibility. This is why we invest in the diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as in talent development, environmental awareness, and community involvement, of our people. This is how we ensure that sustainable business practices are embedded in our organizational culture and included in all our decisions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Vantiva

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are key for all businesses of the Group in order to reflect the societies we serve and countries where we operate, to foster our creativity, and to promote an equitable approach for all.

We aim to recruit and retain the most talented people from a broad range of disciplines and experiences, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or ability status.

In 2015, as Technicolor, we launched a global plan for Diversity and Inclusion. The objective of this plan is to improve our processes globally, to ensure that practices are not discriminatory at any stage in the Group, but also to promote a mindset of openness, equity and inclusiveness, and a willingness to support and assist persons or groups who may be under-represented compared to their regional demographics.

At Vantiva , all personnel, suppliers, and entities along the supply chain are expected to abide by the Vantiva Code of Ethics as well as all applicable laws. Vantiva facilitates workplaces where everyone can productively engage without fear of unacceptable workplace conduct.

The Group promotes a strong and active culture regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In that respect, worldwide anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training is delivered to all employees on a yearly basis.

Also, beyond our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Vantiva endorsed the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) from UN Women, and promotes gender parity and women’s empowerment in the business, including principles and goals such as increased ratio of women in business and leadership roles, equal pay for work of equal value, gender-responsive supply chain practices, and zero tolerance against sexual harassment in the workplace.

A group-wide, voluntary, and anonymous employee survey, which is repeated periodically, helps the Vantiva DEI taskforce understand the diversity of staff and capture expectations about Company actions and support. These periodic survey results provide guidance and on-going direction for DEI policy, programs, and projects.

Several initiatives are also encouraged locally to be more inclusive of visible and non-visible minorities. The Group has launched topical working groups concerning Gender Parity, LGBTQ+, The Black Employee Network, and Ethnicity and Race. Other initiatives include Unconscious Bias training, a global DEI research study, external speaker series, additional working groups (Generations, Cognition, Caste, and Ability), monthly “Share Our Stories” podcasts, continuous updates to our employee Intranet, and a global DEI calendar to celebrate key events.

The Group recognizes that its workforce needs to mirror its customers, stakeholders, and communities, and wherever a regional imbalance is identified, Vantiva seeks to make progress and improvement over time concerning any discovered imbalance by bringing support and visibility to under-represented target groups.

Inclusion in the Workplace

Beyond existing legal requirements, Vantiva strives to adapt our workplaces, including factories, to provide equal employment opportunities, with no discrimination against people who may have a disability. With regard to hiring, training, allocation of work, promotions, or rewards, we seek to eliminate employment barriers and to accommodate employees who may have a disability. In that regard, employment of people with a disability is part of our non-discrimination policy, and Vantiva has been and continues to be willing to integrate different needs, including modified duties, adapted hours, and adapted workspaces.

People and Talent Development

As we strongly believe that our talent constitutes the backbone of Vantiva , we endeavor to provide training and development opportunities to Vantiva employees across the globe and, simultaneously, ensure that the development of competencies and capabilities are aligned with the Group’s strategy.

Vantiva’s priorities in talent and development focus on leadership development, innovation and excellence in execution to support the growth of our activities and the implementation of our strategic plan.

Training priorities are set, based on the evolution of existing jobs and technologies, on the identification of new capabilities to develop, and on the individual needs of employees in terms of job performance and/or professional evolution. The creation of specific learning tracks per job is encouraged for each activity. To ensure the same quality level as well as alignment and consistency, development programs regarding leadership, management and technical or functional skills are coordinated at the Corporate level.

To do so, our Global Talent Development Center of Excellence advises operational managers and HR People on all aspects of training and development, particularly on leadership and management. Within the HR function, Talent & Business Partners coordinate the construction and monitoring of development plans at division or function level. Training is implemented locally by People Partners, who ensure training actions are optimized between the divisions and that training complies with all local regulations.