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Navigate IQ™

NaviGate IQ™ is the single source of knowledge for marketing, technical operations, and quality assurance teams who want to make the best of their set-top boxes’ data.


From rough data
to actionable knowledge

The television landscape has evolved drastically over the last few years. There are more video services that can be offered on any network and on any platform. For Pay-TV Operators, the main challenge is providing subscribers with the right content at the right price. This requires a deep understanding of subscribers — how do they consume video content? What’s attractive to them? Which parts of the service are they not interested in? Vantiva NaviGate IQ™ helps Operators understand if their services are truly relevant, competitive, and engaging.

Turn knowledge
into decision making

Vantiva’s NaviGate IQ solution consists of a lightweight monitoring agent running on the subscriber’s set-top box (STB) leveraging Android TV™ APIs. These analytics allow a deeper understanding of the subscribers’ usage of Android TV applications and services on the STB, displayed as a convenient analytics dashboard.

Content usage analytics


Content usage analytics provide comprehensive information on both the video and applications preferred by subscribers. Understand the TV content and on-demand video a subscriber watches, which content providers they prefer, how much they’re watching, which applications they’re using (or removing), and what time they prefer to watch.


Navigate IQ solution brief


Vantiva’s NaviGate IQ solution consists of a lightweight monitoring agent that resides on the subscriber’s set-top box and leverages Android TV APIs. Our comprehensive solution brief offers many actionable insights for operators to leverage customer data from their Android TV set-top boxes.


Learn more
about Navigate IQ™


One of Pay TV Operators’ primary challenges is delivering the right content mix at the right price — at Vantiva, we know this means deeply understanding subscribers’ context, video consumption habits, and preferences. Equally important is identifying which aspects of the service are not valued by subscribers.

Vantiva NaviGate IQ™ helps operators assess the relevance, competitiveness, and quality of their video services, ensuring subscribers’ needs are effectively met.

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