Since 2003, Vantiva (formerly Technicolor) has renewed its commitment every year to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. More recently, we integrated the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our CSR reporting.
Specifically, Vantiva policies and practices prohibit the use of child labor, forced labor, human trafficking and modern slavery; any form of discrimination and harassment in our operations and supply chain; and we require suppliers to comply with our standards. Placing CSR at the heart of our business approach ensures that commercial needs are appropriately balanced with those of local communities, the environment, our business partners and of course our workforce.
Through the United Nations Global Compact, Vantiva seeks to comply with the highest ethical standards, taking into account the legitimate and ethical interests of all its stakeholders as well as the United Nations 10 universally accepted founding principles covering human rights, labor standards, environmental practices and anti-corruption.
We submit each year a Global Compact Communication on Progress, available as part of our Sustainability report on this website.
Vantiva closely follows and reinforces the guiding principles laid out in the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in its approach to Ethics and Social Responsibility.
In this way, the Company pledges to ensure freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, effective abolition of child labor and elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation. These principles carry through into the supply chain.
Vantiva’s policy is to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability status, and also to fight actively against harassment and discrimination – which are not only illegal, but hamper our ability to perform and to retain talented employees.
Beyond existing legislation, we strive to track pay discrimination cases between women and men and to reduce gaps via an improved gender pay gap analysis process.
Our non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity policies are based upon our Code of Ethics and locally augmented according to specific legal requirements if needed.
Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies are implemented at all Vantiva sites. Training campaigns target 100% of our workforce.
In several countries, managers and supervisors are provided specific training sessions in legal awareness, and unconscious bias.
In addition to the role of management, detection of discrimination cases also relies on our whistleblower policy, allowing any employee to confidentially disclose their situation or the situation of a co-worker, without fear of publicity or adverse reaction.