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downloadable-resource-icon Vantiva 2023 Sustainability Communication Vantiva 2023 Sustainability Communication downloadable-resource-file-icon VANTIVA-2023-Sustainability-Communication
downloadable-resource-icon 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Médaille Platinum - VANTIVA Performance Overview 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Platinum medal - VANTIVA Performance Overview downloadable-resource-file-icon 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Platinum medal - VANTIVA Performance Overview
downloadable-resource-icon 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Médaille Platinum - VANTIVA Rating Certificate 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Platinum medal - VANTIVA Rating Certificate downloadable-resource-file-icon 2023-2024 ECOVADIS Platinum medal - VANTIVA Rating Certificate
downloadable-resource-icon Document d’enregistrement Universel 2023 Document d'enregistrement universel incluant le Rapport Financier Annuel 2023 downloadable-resource-file-icon Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2023 (D.24-0375)
downloadable-resource-icon Document d'enregistrement universel - 2022 Document d'enregistrement universel incluant le Rapport Financier Annuel 2022 downloadable-resource-file-icon 26-04-2023-VANTIVA-URD-2022-V-FR-FINAL
downloadable-resource-icon 2022 Communication sur le développement durable Version anglaise uniquement downloadable-resource-file-icon VANTIVA 2022 Sustainability Communication